Meaningful Conversations

The other day I had a very meaningful conversation with a very close friend of mine. We “snuck” up to the locker area at our school to have this private conversation. *Shoutout to that friend of mine if she’s reading this blog post* Oh and before I dive into this I would like to say that only a handful of people that I personally know knows that I have a blog. Of course this friend knows about my blog because we are tight. Just felt the need to point that out. *I sound so sassy but I’m not*

Anyway, I’m in my Senior Year and the stress and the drama is inevitable. as you may or may not know, our group of friends has individual mini groups of friends within them. It sounds complicated and it’s how we are whether we know it or not. Basically me and a friend of ours are “heads” in the yearbook committee.

This other friend of ours had a major fit about something that had to be done. She took all her anger out on us and it was down right bitchy. I’m sorry for the use of that word but even though my anger has simmered down, that’s exactly how I see it. Anyway she blatantly showed us her anger by either walking away from us mid-sentence taking the rest of our friends with her. We ended up standing there alone in the dust. (See what I mean about bitchy?)

Anyway I told Mary about it (Mary isn’t her real name) and we had a very meaningful conversation. I won’t delve into it but it helped me a lot. Our conversation ran the gamut of lots of things. This is when I fully understood how meaningful conversations are important in our daily lives.

Sure we take part in lots of conversations in our daily lives but only a few deem to be meaningful. Meaningful conversations help us grow as people.This is why it’s important for us to engage in these conversations.


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