Meaningful Conversations

The other day I had a very meaningful conversation with a very close friend of mine. We “snuck” up to the locker area at our school to have this private conversation. *Shoutout to that friend of mine if she’s reading this blog post* Oh and before I dive into this I would like to say that only a handful of people that I personally know knows that I have a blog. Of course this friend knows about my blog because we are tight. Just felt the need to point that out. *I sound so sassy but I’m not*

Anyway, I’m in my Senior Year and the stress and the drama is inevitable. as you may or may not know, our group of friends has individual mini groups of friends within them. It sounds complicated and it’s how we are whether we know it or not. Basically me and a friend of ours are “heads” in the yearbook committee.

This other friend of ours had a major fit about something that had to be done. She took all her anger out on us and it was down right bitchy. I’m sorry for the use of that word but even though my anger has simmered down, that’s exactly how I see it. Anyway she blatantly showed us her anger by either walking away from us mid-sentence taking the rest of our friends with her. We ended up standing there alone in the dust. (See what I mean about bitchy?)

Anyway I told Mary about it (Mary isn’t her real name) and we had a very meaningful conversation. I won’t delve into it but it helped me a lot. Our conversation ran the gamut of lots of things. This is when I fully understood how meaningful conversations are important in our daily lives.

Sure we take part in lots of conversations in our daily lives but only a few deem to be meaningful. Meaningful conversations help us grow as people.This is why it’s important for us to engage in these conversations.


My version of ‘taking a leap of faith’

Hey guys. I am about to take a leap of faith. I know when you find out how you will possibly pee your pants by laughing at how ridiculous it may sound. I would too if I were to be in your shoes but this is a very serious thing for me and it’s something that I have been wanting to do for a really long time.

I will be starting a beauty blog. 

I have always been interested in skin care and makeup and personal hygiene (don’t judge me teehee) and that lead me to my obsessive Youtube phase where I stalk every single one of the amazing gurus or funny Youtubers. By the way, it’s still going on right now. No regrets.


It would mean so much to me it you were to maybe check it out? It’s called Harts Beauty Blog and it has the same url. Yes I am unoriginal but I am dedicated. I have already made the blog itself and I am really excited to fill it up to the brim with content. 🙂

What to expect?

– honest opinions on beauty products

– monthly beauty favourites

– updates with the newest trends

– product review [ maybe it’s the same thing as the first bullet point hehe ]

– tutorials

– morning routines and any other routines. [ might do a prom routine soon guys! ]


So please do support me there! It would mean so much!



Do Girls Think Flowers are Old-Fashioned or Sweet?

Hey there smexy people! Let’s just jump into this one because I am uber excited about this particular post!

I am a really really really big hopeless romantic. I think that deep down every girl or lady out there is. I am going to come out with something, A few years back I would spend every waking moment writing in this really girly notebook about love. I would write stories and write down the perfect little conversations about random celebrities.

To me giving girls flowers would be the oldest trick in the book. At the same time I think that it is one of the simplest yet sweetest things you could do for a girl. To me it means that a guy cares about you to take the time to head to the store and pick the most loveliest flower to give to his girl or someone he wants to be his girl or maybe just a friend.

Flowers in general can brighten up someone’s day. It’s like how a vase of bright beautiful flowers can bright up even a dark grey room. Heck a single rose in a dainty vase could do the same thing.

The thing is that giving a girl flowers have a secret message in them.  Guys have to go through a lot sometimes to pick out the perfect flower for what they are feeling.

I personally have not received any flowers yet but I have in my dreams and I think that Irises are the best and cutest but that is just me.

Giving girls flowers may be a sweet gesture that can be  a little old- fashioned but it is timeless and it can make girls hearts flutter like there is no tomorrow, even if it’s doesn’t mean anything romantically. It can also bring people closer and that’s what counts right?


Till next time,
Adrianne 🙂

Is it worth it?

How do you know if something’s worth it?

Is it the value?

Is it the reward?

Is it the joy it may bring?

I actually don’t really know. Sometimes we do things for the rush of it all. The feeling of being in the heat of the momenr and just going with it.


What if it all comesncrumbling down? Was the journeyworthit? Or would you wish that you could go in time to change everything you did?

I guess you should just think about all the possibilities. They are infinite.

That’s all I have to say on the topic.

Any ideas?

Wish I could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this…

That moment.

What kind of moment was it? An awkward moment? Nope. A romantic moment? I wish. An irreplaceable moment? HELL YES.

What moment am I talking about? The one where you felt like you were on nirvana. The one where you were walking down an endless path on cloud 9. Yeah, that one. That moment may have passed but it still lives somewhere in you. It may still be fluttering in you, shinning and swimming around in your blood and organs. I shouldn’t have gotten into organs and blood but well, I just had to. 

I know I didn’t really talk about MY moment but have you just re-experienced it? If  not, what’s there to lose? Just do it.