My version of ‘taking a leap of faith’

Hey guys. I am about to take a leap of faith. I know when you find out how you will possibly pee your pants by laughing at how ridiculous it may sound. I would too if I were to be in your shoes but this is a very serious thing for me and it’s something that I have been wanting to do for a really long time.

I will be starting a beauty blog. 

I have always been interested in skin care and makeup and personal hygiene (don’t judge me teehee) and that lead me to my obsessive Youtube phase where I stalk every single one of the amazing gurus or funny Youtubers. By the way, it’s still going on right now. No regrets.


It would mean so much to me it you were to maybe check it out? It’s called Harts Beauty Blog and it has the same url. Yes I am unoriginal but I am dedicated. I have already made the blog itself and I am really excited to fill it up to the brim with content. 🙂

What to expect?

– honest opinions on beauty products

– monthly beauty favourites

– updates with the newest trends

– product review [ maybe it’s the same thing as the first bullet point hehe ]

– tutorials

– morning routines and any other routines. [ might do a prom routine soon guys! ]


So please do support me there! It would mean so much!



Beach Vacation!

Hey there interneters! (Is that a weird shortcut? Any ideas? My suggest box [comments] is now open!)

Anyway I am back at school because the week long break is over. I can’t help but feel like a part of me has been ripped away from me and I have now lost the freedom to wake up when I want to and be able to just laze around. I did mention in my previous post that I will be going on a beach vacation. 

Then I thought, why not blog about it? since it would be a lot of fun to write about the amazing experience that I had whilst there at the beach. But before getting into the more exciting parts, let’s start from the beginning shall we?

The night before we were scheduled to leave for the beach, we had to be in bed by 10 pm at the latest but being the little rule breaker that I am, I fell asleep at midnight. Which sucks for me because we were scheduled to wake up at 5:00 in the morning. The worst part is that I knew exactly what time we were to leave and exactly when I should have gone to bed. That folks is the very first mistake I made from the trip.

Now inn the morning after getting ready and putting on my outfit, I checked if everything that I wished to bring is in my backpack and all my photography essentials are in their little camera bag. Although it was all pretty heavy ( the cameras were heavier than my clothes) it was all really worth it because I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

So with my trusty baby pillow in hand, I got in the car where my brothers and sister were already bickering. At that moment all I could think was : This is going to be a long ride. And it was because we were in the car for two long hours. It was fun though because all the cows that we passed by looked weird and skinny but fat at the same time. I’m probably I sound crazy right now.

Soon we got to the port and dropped off  the car at the little place where they look after your parked car whilst you’re on vacation. We then got on board the ship and sailed the ocean. It was very relaxing. The salty air just whipping through my air and the  island were all very beautiful. There were also many tree houses there but they were all modern and the size of mansions. Rich people. Anyway after two more hours, we arrived at the resort and the first thing I noticed was: There were lots of hot foreign guys just doing guy stuff there. 

Before I get into the guy stuff though I’ll just explain the living situation that we were going to have for three days. It was a nice apartment styled “room” with two floors. They had air-conditioning and everything you would find that you would probably need for a couple of days (except food). The thing that I love about the resort is that it is secluded. It’s beautiful but only a few people go there therefore it’s more relaxing. The perfect place for shy people.

You guys know me. If you don’t then I’ll tell you this now , I am a sucker for handsome guys and just really attractive guys in general. Therefore when I laid my eyes on German, Greek and Denmark guys who were shirtless and at the beach. I died and went to hotness heaven. I think I’ll make a separate post for this part so stay tuned!

Till next time.



PS. If you guys want to see pictures be sure to comment down below but I’ll probably just post pictures of the scenery 🙂

Things that I absolutely love :)

Hello there mate!

I have never tried to do a post like this before but then I have decided to give it a try. This would be like a sort of monthly favorites post but this is just a trial run. I have decided to work on this before I tackle my research paper and literature homework.

*DISCLAIMER* All of the opinions stated here are purely my own. No one has convinced me on anything and I am just doing this for fun and I am not advertising. 🙂 Also, I do not own the pictures shown below, therefore I am going to give credit to the people who do own them!

Now that that is out of the way, let’s get started!

First of all, I am in love with The Body Shop’s DUO in Floral Acai . 


The one that I have is the one on the left. When i went to the store to pick something up, as presents I bought so much that I got one for free so I picked the one that I have. The thing is that the time I was there, there wasn’t the brown one which I believe is macadamia, otherwise I would’ve picked that one instead.

Anyway, I really love this product because I absolutely hate moisturizing so I often forget about it but when I remember I just use whatever. This product has been sitting on my shelf for so long. One day, I was in a rush and the lotion was gone so I went for this one instead. Let me tell you, it was the best accident that has happened to me. It just sinks in and moisturizes you for a whole day. When i woke up, it still felt moisturized. It also leaves a slight scent that is just very addicting. You won’t be able to smell it from afar because the scent isn’t very strong but you could tell that it’s there. That is why I love this product! I give it a 4.5/5 rating 🙂

The second product is the Lancome Miracle perfume.


This was actually a gift from my aunt. I absolutely love this scent because it isn’t overwhelming and it isn’t the type that just want to tackle you to the ground and gag you from the scent. I’m nit very good at describing scents but his is just a girly floral scent that has a classy feel to it. If you know what I mean. There isn’t really a specific scent and I just love it. It lasts pretty long and it’s just perfect. I’m giving it 5/5 stars 🙂

The next product is the SMASHBOX smashing candle lipstick.


I love Smashbox, it is just one of my favorite beauty brand. I’m not really into make up but I’ve recently become interested in it. This is just a really really really cute shade but I do not really recommend it for daily use. You could use it at night if you’re going out to spice things up. I love the consistency and the packaging and that is one of the reasons why I love this brand.

The last product is the MAC GLAMGLASS in check this out


This lip gloss is okay. I haven’t been using it that much but it is average. It has a really nice scent and it’s color and coverage is good. I really have nothing much to say about this outfit but it is perfect for when you have to go out at night and you’re in a hurry, you just slab it on and POOF you’re set.

These are just a few of the things that I love. This is my first time doing this kind of post. I actually have a beauty bucket list. That is what I wish to purchase before I hit my 50’s so if anyone wants to know what is in that list then feel free to comment or message me!


Thanks for reading!
