
hello there. 

I was about to post another completely different post (another heart-to-heart) but then a notification popped up and said that today is my anniversary with WordPress. That’s why I thought about writing an impromptu post before jumping into the vigorous studying that comes hand in hand with final examinations. (Please do wish me luck because I am a mess.) 

First of all, I would like to say thank you to this website for giving me somewhere to express myself without being judged. Or at least giving me the freedom and the confidence to do so. I feel like my writing skills have improved greatly and it’s all thanks to this and reading other people’s wonderful posts.

To be honest the first couple months when I started this blog was really awkward. I was starting to question why I started a blog and I had no idea what to do with myself. It was crazy and pretty juvenile. Sorry about that. Anyway now I have more energy to come back and write more blog posts for you to read. Yes, I tend to pour my heart out onto these posts but I am grateful that there are people that actually like reading my posts. 

Now I have a lot of posts planned and I really hope that this new blog year will be just as successful for me and if not, hopefully it will be more successful. 

Lastly, I would like to give you all a big hug. Yes, I am currently engulfing my laptop in a bog bear hug. Don’t judge me. *smiles sweetly* I would like to thank everyone who has continued to read my posts and to everyone that has been following me in my blogging journey. You are amazing okay? Thank you so so much. I would also like to thank people who enjoy reading what I have to say. Thank you. 🙂

Guess what the next post will be about? It will be tagged. 

H a r t 

The Liebster Award!


This is amazing and I am mind blown. Guess what happened to me today? I have been nominated by an amazing person , Naaaomiholt. Naomi has an amazing blog that might just be my next obsession. Her posts are just really nice and I just feel good after reading a couple ( even if I’ve already read it ). I personally think that you should go over to her blog and see what I’m talking about because you will enjoy yourself! Check her out!

I was surprised and I’m not going to lie, I still am pretty shocked because not only has someone been reading my blog and the crazy things that I have to say, but they’ve taken that time to actually nominate me. Thank you Naomi!

I’m still new to this but these are the rules:

– the bloggers that have been nominated must link back to the person that nominated them
– nominees must answer the eleven questions given to them by the person who nominated them
– those nominated must choose eleven of their fave bloggers that have less than 200 followers to answer their own set of questions
– when you are nominated you cannot nominate the person that nominated you
– after nominating your faves you need to drop them a comment telling them that you have nominated them.

These are the people that I am nominating :


Happy. Confused. Awkward. Lonely. Dreamer.

CooCoo Blog


Drama Queen at Seventeen 

A Terribly Boring Blog By An Anti-Social Teen

Your NOT so Average Girl 

Nobody’s Secrets 

Dear Friend,

Anonymous Fangirl 

Hypothetical Me 

These are my answers to the questions I was given :

1. Do you like burritos?
Do I like breathing? Yes, yes I do enjoy living.

2. What song never fails to cheer you up?
Happy – Pharell Williams. Look at em minions go!

3. Do you have a favourite book? If so, why is it your favourite?
No, personally I don’t have a ‘favourite’ book but the current book I am reading right now is Be The Miracle by Regina Brett and it is Inspirational.

4. When I was little, I wanted to be a paleontologist. What was your childhood aspiration?
I wanted to be a princess. I kind of still do. Please do not judge me.

5. Do you have any unique/odd obsessions?
I am obsessed with attractive boys and I am a quote hoarder. I hope that’s unique. 🙂

6. Do you have any embarrassing moments?
I not only have embarrassing moments but my whole life seems to be one whole embarrassing moment.

7. What’s your favourite band/singer?
MKTO , Katy Perry , One Republic , 5SOS , Miley Cyrus  and many others because I love music in general.

8. Are you a morning person?
Yes I am. I will look like a squirrel that had one too many nuts while everyone looks like the walking dead. No offence people.

9. What makes you smile?
Thinking about my guy. Just kidding! Shout out to the single people out there! A lot of things make me smile and I will smile at anything. Except really weird things because that ain’t up my alley.

10. What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do that you haven’t?
I’ve always wanted to fly. That and I have always wanted to get all A’s in my report card.

11. Favourite quote?
Quote hoarder here. So far it’s : “Your life is an occasion. Rise to it.” – Suzzane Weyne

My questions for you! :

1. Why did you start blogging?
2. Favourite Youtubers?
3. Hair in your gum or gum in your hair?
4. Where do you find inspiration?
5. What is the nicest thing someone has said/done to you?
6. Any advice for bloggers?
7. What is your greatest achievement?
8. What is  a new year’s resolution that you’ve made for yourself?
9. How do you keep moving forward?
10. What is your favourite song lyric?
11. What is the quote(s) you live by?


Thanks Naomi! Thank you to everyone who has been there for me! I give you all hugs!


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Beach Vacation!

Hey there interneters! (Is that a weird shortcut? Any ideas? My suggest box [comments] is now open!)

Anyway I am back at school because the week long break is over. I can’t help but feel like a part of me has been ripped away from me and I have now lost the freedom to wake up when I want to and be able to just laze around. I did mention in my previous post that I will be going on a beach vacation. 

Then I thought, why not blog about it? since it would be a lot of fun to write about the amazing experience that I had whilst there at the beach. But before getting into the more exciting parts, let’s start from the beginning shall we?

The night before we were scheduled to leave for the beach, we had to be in bed by 10 pm at the latest but being the little rule breaker that I am, I fell asleep at midnight. Which sucks for me because we were scheduled to wake up at 5:00 in the morning. The worst part is that I knew exactly what time we were to leave and exactly when I should have gone to bed. That folks is the very first mistake I made from the trip.

Now inn the morning after getting ready and putting on my outfit, I checked if everything that I wished to bring is in my backpack and all my photography essentials are in their little camera bag. Although it was all pretty heavy ( the cameras were heavier than my clothes) it was all really worth it because I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

So with my trusty baby pillow in hand, I got in the car where my brothers and sister were already bickering. At that moment all I could think was : This is going to be a long ride. And it was because we were in the car for two long hours. It was fun though because all the cows that we passed by looked weird and skinny but fat at the same time. I’m probably I sound crazy right now.

Soon we got to the port and dropped off  the car at the little place where they look after your parked car whilst you’re on vacation. We then got on board the ship and sailed the ocean. It was very relaxing. The salty air just whipping through my air and the  island were all very beautiful. There were also many tree houses there but they were all modern and the size of mansions. Rich people. Anyway after two more hours, we arrived at the resort and the first thing I noticed was: There were lots of hot foreign guys just doing guy stuff there. 

Before I get into the guy stuff though I’ll just explain the living situation that we were going to have for three days. It was a nice apartment styled “room” with two floors. They had air-conditioning and everything you would find that you would probably need for a couple of days (except food). The thing that I love about the resort is that it is secluded. It’s beautiful but only a few people go there therefore it’s more relaxing. The perfect place for shy people.

You guys know me. If you don’t then I’ll tell you this now , I am a sucker for handsome guys and just really attractive guys in general. Therefore when I laid my eyes on German, Greek and Denmark guys who were shirtless and at the beach. I died and went to hotness heaven. I think I’ll make a separate post for this part so stay tuned!

Till next time.



PS. If you guys want to see pictures be sure to comment down below but I’ll probably just post pictures of the scenery 🙂

learning to let go

I have a problem and I have been trying to deny it all but now I understand the the only way I can help myself is by accepting the fact that everything is changing and that I need to learn to let go. I just have a really hard time trying to cling onto things and situations and memories that I know are probably better off staying just that, the past.

I have to let go of this and that and everything that makes me unhappy. Nowadays it seems like I’ve just genuinely become this really negative bubble of “unhappiness”. Yes, it may not be a word but I can’t really call it sadness because it just isn’t. It’s this feeling of being numb and unsatisfied with where you are in life.

I have a confession to make.

I’ve writing all these blog posts for all the wrong reasons. I want to be heard, I want people to like my work but most of all, I want to be noticed. That’s why I researched about things people want to read about but not things that I want to write about. It hasn’t been fun and it’s been a huge chore that just doesn’t seem as fun as it used to be.

The thing is, I want to keep writing now. I want to write about what I feel. My goals and I want to write about growing as a person, about evolving into someone that had no direction in life, someone that just wants to please others rather than herself. I want to keep writing for myself. 

I used to be sad , lonely and someone who lives to see others smile but now I want to be someone who lives to see myself smile. I want to do things for me and not because I want to fix a broken friendship. I want to speak my mind, tell people exactly how I’m feeling instead of painting over my thoughts with a smile. I want to grow into something that I’m scared to be but most of all I want to find myself and start living life for me.

I know this won’t happen overnight and I know that things might not be how they used to be. I’m learning and trying to see the world in a new perspective. I want to try to see the world through rose colored glasses. But most of all, I want to learn to let go. 🙂


much love,

Dancing Queen

She’s the type of girl that can dance circles around you and whilst she is doing so, you can’t help but stop and stare at all her graceful moves. The thing is I am the complete opposite of that type of girl,the Dancing Queen. I guess you can say that I’m the Ugly Duckling waddling and trying to pull it off as dancing.

I love watching people dance. I love how the mood of the song and the dance moves can instantly change what you’re feeling. A slow and upbeat song can lift your spirits while a slow and emotional song can brink you to tears.

Dancing is a freedom of expression. You just go with the flow and move to the beat. Anybody can dance but not everybody can dance well.

download (1)

I like to think of dancing as an escape. I guess it gives you the feeling of being able to wash away all your problems with your movements until they come crashing down on you again. The freedom you feel is just addicting and even though you may not be a great dancer, it feels good knowing that you have an outlet that is easily accessible (most of the time).

Ciao for now,


Hello there people on the other side of the screen!

I should probably come up with a cool name to call you guys because this is just too long!

Anyway, it’s been a really long time since we’ve last had any form of communication. Therefore, I have decided to try to post another post soon and by soon I mean either later on today or maybe tomorrow. Depends on my schedule.

Just a little heads up on my next post, it will be something that I have never done before. Keep your eyes peeled for it!

Anyway this blog post may seem really messy, cluttered and disorganized but the thing is that is exactly what this week has been for me. This calls for an update!

This week was filled to the brim with quizzes and exams. We had absolutely no time to have a life and no time to even utter a word to one another. We were that busy. I actually am feeling slightly guilty  right now because I was slacking off the last week. It was the the girl that was obsessed with getting the high grades went out for a week long coffee break.

Now, I am looking for ways to help motivate myself to try to be more enthusiastic about studying even though it may seem like the hardest thing for me right now,

I also have been thinking about other possible blog posts but if you want to know about something then you can feel free to ask me anything!

This past week I have been feeling particularly down and I think that I might be due for another love post quite soon. I’m not very experienced in this section in out lives but it’s something that everyone feels.

Now this is something off topic but have you seen the BEST SONG EVER music video yet? If you haven’t then be sure to check it out because it is absolutely amazing! I am not trying to advertise it because this suggestion is purely based on my opinion.

I also wanted to add that I know how hard it is sometimes when you feel like you’re alone and you have some problems so feel free to contact me and just visit my contact me page for the details!


Just a quick greeting!

Hello there person reading this! I guess I can call you my friend right? I know , I know, that escalated pretty quickly but I guess I’m just that type of person!

I’ll quit stalling now. You see, I haven’t been doing what I love, writing on my blog. The reason? I guess it’s because I have lots of things running through my mind and there are just lots of things pilled up onto my rather small plate.

I know it isn’t a reason to do so but I’m just the type of person to look for reasons to make me feel less guilty about everything. Anyway, I just wanted to say a quick hello because I haven’t been on lately and I’m just looking for something to post! I’m also dying to meet new friends so if anyone needs anyone to talk to or if anyone just needs someone’s opinion, I’m here!

PS. Does anyone here have a kik account?