Lonely Heart Club ❤




We all have insecurities whether we like it or not. They’re these nasty creatures that live in the depths of our minds constantly feeding on the negative thoughts that we have about ourselves. One thing that I’ve learned is that the more we let it reside and the more we “feed” them the bigger they grow. I think it’s suitable to refer to them as “boabab tree” .[Shoutout to you if you know what I’m referring to or which BOOK I’m referring to. ] 


Anyway I hope you guys ‘like’ this segment of the Lonely Hearts Club because I have been dying to write this and to get it out to you but I haven’t quite figured out how I wanted to execute it. That’s why I’m winging it.I hope you genuinely enjoy this.

I will be sharing my story with you guys even though it isn’t much of a story. Anyway I am insanely insecure and I had a huge problem with apologizing. No, it’s not because I refused to apologize but the opposite. I apologized for everything, even when it was the other son’s fault. Even when I was the one hurt and the other person was laughing at my pain. I know this ties into insecurities because I was so insecure about myself that I felt like everything was my fault. Notice how I used all the past tense? I’ve gotten better now because I learned not to give a donkey’s bum anymore.


I know right now you’re thinking about how this might not be helpful and that it’s childish but I am a 15 year old teenager and this is just how I’ll deal with things. I know it isn’t the best option but I won’t stop caring about all the important stuff, just all the things that  break me down and just makes me feel bad about myself. Especially this one ‘person’. ugh

Anyway another piece of advice that I have for you is to accept your flaws. You need to wrap your head around the fact that you have these flaws but everybody has them. These flaws make you unique and make you more interesting. These flaws can be something that other people adore about you. They will always be a part of you (most of the time) .

Another helpful tip is to love yourself and I have already stressed this topic too much during my first post on the Lonely Hearts Club so feel free to check that out. Yes this is me shamelessly advertising myself. 🙂

Anyway here are some photos (that belong to their owners) to kind of just help me emphasize. They do say a picture holds a million words or something like that. :))

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Suggestion please! [book related]

Hello there!

I am in need of your book suggestions. I am looking for really good reads for teens that may or may not be life changing. Something soulful and maybe in the self help category. I just want to start reading books like that to kind of kick off the new year. Feel free to tell me! 🙂 Thank you! 🙂

Life Update :)

Hello there SMEXY friends!

It’s ben a long time and I’m currently using my friend’s internet connection to be able to post this right now.

Please bear with me because this may seem like a rushed post but I am just typing this from my phone so thank you in advance!

This week has been really interesting! I’ve had a few encounters with someone and it just felt magical. More to come about that for my next post though. 🙂

Anyway today we had a basketball game and I have made a new friend. I will not say his name because he might stumble upon this an tease me to death, although it may seem a tad bit impossible.

It was a little but crazy and hectic and just wow. The whole thing just blew me away. Right now as i am typing this post, I’ve come to realize that it may seem really boring so if you want to hear about it then contact me!

Just go to my contacts page!

Things that I have to learn:
1. How to deal with stress
2. How to get rid of procrastination
3. How to move on
4. How to forgive

Soon to be posted blog posts:
1. How to move on
2. Beauty product bucket list
3.DIY project (maybe)
4.Thinspiration (maybe)

Thank you for the support!